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Medications to Avoid When Trying to Conceive

If you are planning to become pregnant, it’s very important to consult with your doctor about medications to avoid when trying to conceive. You may currently be taking or will be taking certain medicines, and it’s critical to know or at least stay aware of how those medications may affect your fertility. This way, you can minimize any chances of complications. 

Can I Take Medicine While Trying to Conceive?

There are certain medicines you may be able to take while trying to conceive. However, you’ll have to consult with your doctor or fertility specialist before you take or stop taking medication, including any over-the-counter medications, prescriptions, dietary or herbal supplements, vitamins, and other medications that affect fertility. 

Medicine to Avoid When Trying to Get Pregnant

If you are currently being treated for conditions such as epilepsy, hypertension, arthritis, acne, psychiatric care, etc., ask your doctor if your specific medication can negatively affect your pregnancy and fertility, as certain medications can increase your risk for miscarriage. Also, antidepressants often fall under the category of “medications that affect fertility,” as some may negatively impact ovulation. This also goes for over-the-counter drugs such as painkillers. For example, it is considered generally safe to take acetaminophen while pregnant, whereas aspirin and ibuprofen have been found to increase the risk of miscarriage.

With certain vaccines, it is best to avoid pregnancy for a certain amount of time. For example, after taking the rubella vaccine, you should avoid pregnancy for at least a month. If you have taken the malaria vaccine, you should also delay conception as it can bring harm to the fetus if taken up to three months into becoming pregnant.

Furthermore, it's tempting to assume that plant-based or herbal medicines will not harm your fertility or pregnancy, but herbs such as Saw Palmetto, Dong Quai, Blue Cohosh, and Black Cohosh, among others.

To best navigate trying to become pregnant safely and still take medications that you may already need, consult with your doctor to see if there are pregnancy or fertility-friendly alternatives available for you before stopping or changing. Always be sure to check labels, keep your doctor updated on all your medications and supplements, and take doses as prescribed. The most important thing is to find common ground and balance so that you can still take care of yourself and your potential baby as you journey through trying to conceive. Check out the Ovaterra resource library for more information on conception, pregnancy, fertility, and much more.



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